Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Structural Antagonism Between Oral Pleasure And Health

As disappointing as this may sound to the reader, this post is not about oral sex but rather surprisingly about food (another form of oral pleasure). Has it ever occurred to you that most pleasurable food or dishes are usually not good for your health? Whether it is cholesterol-filled tasty sauce or rich nutrients, experiencing fine food at its climax is usually associated with the intrinsic notion of putting our health in a transient state of jeopardy. Refusing to acknowledge this fact can result in an increased risk of cardiovascular or metabolic diseases and hence premature death.

This leads to a rather profound question. Is our world or universe structured in a way that pleasure has to be linked with guilt or danger? Or do we, as human beings, find pleasure in risky behaviors? Should we see in this realization the essence of God or merely the perverted nature of our condition struggling to disavow the castration perpetuated by religion or education? Do we have to sin to experience transient happiness followed by prolonged guilt? Or was our universe so ill-conceived that most good things are bad for us?


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Anonymous said...

I gotta say, while I really like the questions that you are asking, I believe there's a simple and (unfortunately) less philosophical way to describe the assault of 'health vs. sensual pleasure". Back when we lived like animals, most foods had lower, more balanced concentrations of the various things we need to live. Sodium, fat, and sugar - to sum up three of the most important nutrients - are neccessaries that our tongues are delightfully receptive to. The receptiveness kept us alive and eating the right things. The civilization followed with industrialization and what followed were manufactured foods with high concentrations of those nutrients that we respond to best. It's culture that made these things bad for us. Nature CREATED the rule "everything in moderation".